for to of 在翻譯成「的」的時候,怎麼區分呢?

時間 2021-06-03 18:20:30


只有我覺得for Asians 是就亞洲地區而言的意思嗎For 翻譯成的



For之所以在這裡用你要領會出這是大的範圍且 income是冷漠的沒有人性的


The development of technology發展都是正向的帶有政治色彩的回答用of



1. expressing the relationship between a part and a whole.

"the sleeve of his coat"

2. expressing the relationship between a scale or measure and a value.

"an increase of 5 percent"

expressing an age.

"a boy of fifteen"

3. indicating an association between two entities, typically one of belonging.

"the son of a friend"

expressing the relationship between an author, artist, or composer and their works collectively.

"the plays of Shakespeare"

4. expressing the relationship between a direction and a point of reference.

"north of Chicago"

5. expressing the relationship between a general category and the thing being specified which belongs to such a category.

"the city of Prague"

governed by a noun expressing the fact that a category is vague.

"this type of book"

6. indicating the relationship between a verb and an indirect object.

with a verb expressing a mental state.

"they must be persuaded of the severity of the problem"

expressing a cause.

"he died of cancer"

7. indicating the material or substance constituting something.

"the house was built of bricks"

8. [NORTH AMERICAN] expressing time in relation to the following hour.

"it would be just a quarter of three in New York"

問題中的這句話,如果要把for換成of,只適用於第一種用法,但問題在於,median income與Asians並不是整體與部分的關係,因此要使用所有格Asians'代表Asians' income,這樣才構成部分與整體的關係。

至於第三種表所屬的用法,這個median income並不是屬於所有Asians的,因此不能這樣用。


區分for, to, of三個介詞,要從它們最初的含義來理解。

for: 基本含義是「為了」,表達的含義是「從……的角度」,「對於……」,「為了……的好處」,比如This is for you.是給你的,「為了你」而準備。

to: 表示物件,從A到B的乙個指向性,Russia is to the north of China. 俄羅斯在中國「的」北方。

地圖上可以清楚地看出地理位置方向。to sb.可表示「給某人」(某物要到達某人)(bring sth.

to sb.),「某人認為」(To me this is no surprise),表示某個觀點、想法「到了某人那裡」怎麼樣。

of: 表示所屬關係,of sb./sth. 表示為某人/某物所有。



for 和 of 並不是在所有情況下都可以替換,但是我認為這句話中的for是可以替換成of的,但是意義上會有輕微不同。

The median income for Asians was $81,431, about the same as 2015.


The median income of Asians was $81,431, about the same as 2015.



瓦叔 建議你多寫一些文章,以表達自己的觀點 而不是應試 隨便什麼主題都可以,寫完後最好能找英語母語人士 不是中國英語老師 批改評點。這樣會更有助於加強英語思維能力。另外還要多與英語母語人士口頭溝通,多看英語影視。 曲十八線哇咔咔咔 因為你熟練漢語又在學習英語這都是正常現象需要理解文章的做法也是要把意...

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