網紅 的英文翻譯是什麼?

時間 2021-05-31 19:59:48


In the context of present celebrity culture, an Internet celebrity, blogebrity, cyberstar, online celebrity or Internet personality is someone who has become famous by means of the Internet. The advent of social media has helped people increase their outreach to a global audience.


所以 Internet celebrity,blogebrity,cyberstar, online celebrity or Internet personality都可以作為網紅的翻譯


個人認為就famous就可以了或者在前面加上某乙個平台的類似字首一樣的東西... 就比如樓上說的instafamous是指國外的網紅就是在Instagram上有很多粉絲所以是Instagram+famous 但是我們用這個形容國內的網紅就不是很恰當畢竟國內的網紅都是在微博之類的很火吧而且網紅奶茶這裡的網紅相當於是形容詞網紅也可以是名詞看你怎麼用不能拘泥於查到的或者是某個所謂權威的解答得隨機應變呀表達出你要想表達的意思就好了我覺得famous就好啦或者net-famous?哈哈哈哈哈我隨便一掰扯

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