
時間 2021-06-28 10:35:15



The word Mamihlapinatapai is derived from the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego, listed in The Guinness Book of World Records

as the "most succinct word", and is considered one of the hardest words to translate. It allegedly refers to "a look shared by two people, each wishing that the other would initiate something that they both desire but which neither wants to begin."[1] According to John Wiener, co-host on The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz, Mamihlapinatapai is the hardest word to say in the English language.

A slightly different interpretation of the meaning also exists: "It is that look across the table when two people are sharing an unspoken but private moment. When each knows the other understands and is in agreement with what is being expressed.

An expressive and meaningful silence."[2] It is also cited in books and articles on game theory associated with the volunteer's dilemma.[3]




覃映錫 描寫雨中美景的句子有很多。例如 1 雨水打在地上,濺起的水花像淘氣頑皮的孩子,一會兒消失的無影無蹤了。但一旁的Sunny 星辰卻貪婪地允吸著雨水,滋潤自己。2 陣風吹來,雨簾晃動,雨中之景好像也在飄忽不定。我走出家門,愜意漫步在雨中,雨如萬條銀絲從天而降,屋簷落下一排排水滴,就像美麗的珠簾。...


黃皮書 可能很多打算備考翻碩的小夥伴對這門專業的了解度還是不夠。翻譯碩士MTI是一門專業學位碩士,也就是 專碩 是各大院校自主命題,不像英語 一 二這種公共課都是統一命題的。很多學校招生都是分為筆譯 口譯兩種,但不論口譯還是筆譯,初試考查的內容都是相同的,卷子也是一樣。翻碩初試包括一門政治課程以及三...


我知道的是香港在翻譯人名地名的時候。比較追求 像中中國人名地名 因此很多人名在港譯中都看起來是有乙個漢族姓氏的樣子,只是整個名字看起來像是外中國人譯過來的。另外好像很多外中國人在香港因為生活需要給自己起香港名字,一些香港人自己可能在取名時候只有英文名,或者先有外文名後有中文名。這些人的中文名多多少少...