
時間 2021-06-05 04:12:17



The Black Death did not directly lead to the Renaissance,saysJohn Henderson, the author of a recent book on plagues, 「Florence Under Siege」.

In the last two weeks of June, with shops everywhere mostly open for the first time since March, nationwide sales remained a dismal 67% lower than in the same period last year,saysthe Retail Association of India.

Some economists at the fund are more optimistic than others,findMessrs Beaudry and Willems.


To be honest,saysone of the staff, it makes little difference.

In 2016,calculatesMr Frey of Brookings, people aged 30 to 44 (older millennials) voted for Hillary Clinton by ten points (55% to 45%); voters aged 18 to 29 (younger millennials and Gen Z-ers) by 19 points.


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