
時間 2021-10-30 17:47:05


I am not of an impatient nature, and influenced by the double desire of getting my living

and justifying to myself and others the resolution I had taken to become a tradesman.

這個句子應該沒有什麼問題。and 後面省略了 I am not, 即 I am not of an impatient nature,

and I am not influenced by the double desire ....... 意思是:我並不是乙個沒有耐心的人,也沒

有受到既要 ....... 又要...... 雙重慾望的影響。

getting my living

justifying to myself and others the resolution ........

是兩個並列的動名詞短語作介詞 of 賓語,與 the double desire 同位關係,即它的內容。


1. "alike to love and hope" 可能是 "such as / like love and hope" 的意思。例句後半段好像是要說:


2. justifying [to myself and others] the resolution ... 方括號裡面是 justify 的間接物件,the resolution 是 justify 的直接物件。


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