Unicode 中的多個 IVS 對應同一字形時,應該選擇哪乙個?

時間 2021-10-19 00:00:24

1樓:Kushim Jiang

隨便。以同乙個 character 為 base character 的不同 variation sequence 對應的 form 必然是 unifiable forms,但也可能是 duplicable forms。這是由 UTS #37 保證的:

If there are sequences that correspond to the same glyphic subset, it becomes a burden for implementers, which can make a collection less likely to be implemented. As a result, in an effort to minimize the number of sequences that correspond to the same glyphic subset,registrants are strongly encouraged, but not required, to share sequences where sequences in a submission are similar to those in an existing collection. Furthermore, as part of the registration process, the registrar shall alert the registrant to the potential of sharing sequences.

The sharing of sequences across collections may occur if there is mutual agreement among the registrants for the affected collections.

另外,沒有檔案記錄 sequence 之間的 duplication,也沒有規定 duplicated sequences 的 normalization form,提交源(不是參考源)未處理 duplication 的問題。因而從編碼角度無從定義所謂的「選擇」,進而回覆只有「隨便」。

此外,@Nyoeghau 的回答完全錯誤,因為 duplication 是跨參考源乃至跨提交源的純形的概念。在處理 duplication 的問題時言及參考源,是上個世紀的過時觀念。


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