
時間 2021-06-01 11:17:46


In English, your question is 「Why is it in the early part of the 20th century, the order of English sentence structure customarily put Adverbial Modifier between Predicate and Object?

The definition of Predicate is all the parts of a sentence other than the 「Subject」.


1. GRAMMAR part of sentence excluding subject: a word or combination of words, including the verb, objects, or phrases governed by the verb that make up one of the two main parts of a sentence

Since 「They」 is the Subject, therefore all the other parts 「were dependent for their living upon the good-will of the mighty Seigneur of the castle.」 are Predicate.

Therefore I am lost as to why you are implying 「Adverbial Modifier 狀語」 and 「Object 賓語」 are not part of the Predicate in this sentence.

This is my breakdown of the grammatical components of the sentence:

1. 「They」: Subject;

2. 「were」: Verb, Linking Verb;

3. dependent: Adjective, a Subject Complement following the Linking Verb 「were」 and telling more about the Subject 「They」;

4. 「for their living」: an Adverbial Prepositional Phrase modifying the Adjective 「dependent」;

5. 「upon the goodwill」: an Adjective Prepositional Phrase modifying the Noun 「living」;

6. 「of the might Seigneur」: an Adjective Prepositional Phrase modifying the Noun 「goodwill」;

7. 「of the castle」: an Adjective Prepositional Phrase modifying the Noun 「Seigneur」.

I hope this helps to clarify things for you.




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