xenos 是什麼意思?

時間 2021-06-01 11:25:06


The word 「xeno」 is commonly used as a prefix of other words to indicate something that is foreign, different, or strange.

A couple of the common words you would come across are:

1. xenophile

meaning: someone who likes foreigners

sentence: For this city to earn a reputation as tourist destination, we need xenophiles to make visitors feel welcomed, and tree-huggers to turn the city green. (Note:

「Tree-hugger」 is the slang for 「environmentalist」).

2. xenophobia

meaning: fear of foreigners

sentence: Tourism is the lifeblood of this city』s economy. Anti-foreigner horror stories are the last things we need to create a climate of xenophobia.


嘉麟 有的時候會被用來修飾可能動詞的否定態,表示絕對不行比如 飲 物 飲 它的慣用否定用法是飲 物 飲 意思是 雖然沒達到絕對不行,但是也是不行的。第二個問題如 zeno 桑所說,應該是有志。這種 有志 始 的說法在開店或者是運營組織的時候非常常用。從文章內容來看一定是這個。 非常 也不是 說白了,...


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