hinc itur ad astra 是什麼意思?

時間 2021-05-30 16:19:26

1樓:Izumi Imon

"Thus/hence one goes to the stars"

"from here the way leads to the stars"

這句話被立陶宛的維爾紐斯大學(Vilnius University)用作校訓。


Aetheria tum forte plaga crinitus Apollo

desuper Ausonias acies urbemque uidebat

nube sedens, atque his uictorem adfatur Iulum:

'macte noua uirtute, puer,sic itur ad astra,

dis genite et geniture deos. iure omnia bella

gente sub Assaraci fato uentura resident,

nec te Troia capit.'

—— 638 - 644, Liber IX, Aeneid, Vergilius


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