
時間 2021-06-01 02:46:28





Goal-line technology in the spotlight at Maracana


About GoalControl-4D

The system GoalControl-4D is the premium goal line technology on the

market that works with all balls, all goal frames, all goal net types

and -colors.

It is the result of restless development and countless hours of

testing the systems accurate ball detection and tracking function under

all weather conditions. Tests that included all football types,

different pitch grounds, various types of goal nets and game situations.

How it works

The GoalControl-4D system works with 14 high-speed cameras (7 per

goal) around the pitch at the stadium roof/catwalk. The cameras are

connected to a powerful image processing computer system which tracks

the movement of all objects on the pitch and filters out the players,

referees and all disturbing objects. The remaining object is the ball

and the system knows its three dimensional x-, y- and z-position with a

precision of a few millimeters in the coordinate system of the pitch.

When the ball passes the goal line, the system sends a vibration- and

optical signal to the officials watches. Of course, all camera images

of such goal event, and also of all near-goal events, are stored and can

be replayed anytime.

Technical data

7 cameras per goal

up to 500 frames per second

Accuracy of goal detection: up to 5 mm


樓上的,不好意思別應該了,此次巴西世界盃用的是Goal Control



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