
時間 2021-05-30 03:46:05



I will tell you a story about the Reciprocity Law. After my thesis, I had the

idea to define L-series for non-abelian extensions. But for them to agree with

the L-series for abelian extensions, a certain isomorphism had to be true. I

could show it implied all the standard reciprocity laws. So I called it the General

Reciprocity Law and tried to prove it but couldn』t, even after many tries.

Then I showed it to the other number theorists, but they all laughed at it, and

I remember Hasse in particular telling me it couldn』t possibly be true. Still, I

kept at it, but nothing I tried worked. Not a week went by — for three years

! — that I did not try to prove the Reciprocity Law. It was discouraging, and

meanwhile I turned to other things. Then one afternoon I had nothing special

to do, so I said, 「Well, I try to prove the Reciprocity Law again.」 So I went out

and sat down in the garden. You see, from the very beginning I had the idea to

use the cyclotomic fields, but they never worked, and now I suddenly saw that

all this time I had been using them in the wrong way — and in half an hour I

had it.

Emil Artin, as recalled by Mattuck (in Recountings: Conversations with

MIT Mathematicians 2009).


白日夢想家 我跟你想法類似,現在只做計算。但可能後面會一些典型證明的專題,直接扔了還是有點慌 才發現是一年前的問題,請問你最後怎麼選擇了呢?可否傳授一些經驗 like you 巧了,我也是。基本上每一道都不會,但是我還是認真看完答案理解,並重新做了一遍。畢竟這個對提公升邏輯能力有很大幫助。我想送你一...


布里艾爾 第二小題我懷疑樓主抄錯題了,應是要求有兩個不同的實根 當然也不排除你們作業降低了難度,這裡我把證兩個的過程寫下來 1 樓主也說第一題送分了。當c屬於 0,這個很小的0的右鄰域裡,c 0,f c c 0,f c 0 而f 1 0,根據零點定理,必有 c,1 包含於 0,1 使得f 0 2 構...


予一人 儘管你在很多書上或者從你的老師口中聽到的都是,洛必達法則只適用於 的情形。但事實上,對於後面一種情形,並不需要分子也是 只要分母 就夠了,這就是說,對於 的情形也可以使用洛必達。至於理由,要回歸到洛必達法則的證明,在那個證明裡並沒有用到分子趨於 的條件。如果你不滿意這樣的證明方式,你可以換一...