financing operating和investing activities的區別

時間 2021-06-01 17:06:56



這裡說的是企業的基本商業活動,不能說只有現金流吧,自己就說乙個cash flow?還說人家少看書?口氣真大啊。

Financing Activities:

1.the act of providing or raising funds or capital.

2.transactions with creditors or investors used to fund either company operations or expansions

3.dividends (其實應該跟上面的算一項)

Investing Activities:

1. buying and selling long-term assets and other investments. In other words, this is the net amount of cash received and paid during an accounting period for long-term assets and investments.

Operating Activities:

1.directly affects an organization's cash inflows and outflows, and determine its net income.

所以說cash flow 只記載在cash flow statement(利潤表)裡。


Operating cash flowsinclude cash receipts and cash payments for transactions involving revenue and expense activities during the period. In other words, operating activities include the cash effects of the same activities that are reported in the income statement to calculate net income.

Investing cash flowsgenerally include cash transactions for the purchase and sale of investments and long-term assets. Long-term assets are resources owned by a company that are thought to provide benefits for more than one year.

Financing cash flowsinclude cash transactions with lenders, such as borrowing money and repaying debt, and with stockholders, such as issuing stock and paying dividends.


Professor 總結噠: 拿好不謝~

current 的賬戶都是operating;

Long-term assets是investing;

Long-term liability 是financing




operating cashflow是公司正常運營業務產生的現金流,比如買貨買貨。financing cashflow指的是公司融資活動產生的現金流,比如借貸款還貸款。investing cashflow指的是投資活動產生的現金流,比如購買房屋,機器裝置,以及設立子公司等等活動。

公司大部分現金流都是operating cashflow,除了進貨和賣貨,還有支付房租,水電煤,辦公費用,等等。



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