
時間 2021-05-06 14:56:16


「我記得我的朋友約翰·馮·諾依曼(John von Neumann)曾經說過,用四個引數我可以擬合出一頭大象,而用五個引數我可以讓它的鼻子擺動。」——費公尺


引自Treb Allen 和 Costas Arkolakis 寫的《Elements of Advanced International Trade》:

A vague definition of two methodologies: calibration and estimation

Calibration is the process of picking the parameters of the model to obtain a match

between the observed distributions of independent variables of the model and some key

dimensions of the data. More formally,calibration is the process of establishing the relationship between a measuring device and the units of measure. In other words, if you

think about the model as a 「measuring device」 calibrating it means to parameterize it to

deliver sensible quantitative predictions.

Estimation is the process of picking the parameters of the model to minimize a function of the errors of the predictions of the model compared to some pre-specified targets.

pre-specified metric of differences between the model and the data to be explained.





以前上 Minnesota macro 的時候做過幾道跟校準(calibration)有關的習題,班門弄斧兩句。這個東西其實一開始是 Ed Prescott 搞出來的,簡單來講就是用現實中的資料(矩)來擬合理論上(parsimonious and misspecified)的模型,從而獲得一些經濟學上的 insights。

校準的思路跟結構計量經濟學很像*,不同的地方是 Prescott 徹底放棄了數理統計這條路,而是採用了「毛估估」(eyeballing)的方式來評判模型與資料擬合的好壞程度,所以校準得到的結果通常都不會附有標準誤一類的統計量。

* Dawkins et al. (2001):

Calibration is estimation, estimation is calibration... If calibration is the setting of the numerical

values of model parameters relative to the criterion of an ability to replicate a base case

data set as a model solution, and estimation is the use of a goodness of fit criterion in

the selection of numerical values of model parameters, the two procedures are closely

related. In both cases a selection of model parameter values which is thought to be

both procedures lead to identical outcomes.

(cf. Christina Dawkins, T.N.

Srinivasan, John Whalley, "Chapter 58 - Calibration," In: James J. Heckman and Edward Leamer, Editor(s), Handbook of Econometrics, Elsevier, 2001, Volume 5, Pages 3653-3703.

)(Source: Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute)

相關歷史資訊和更詳細的科普可參見 Kevin D. Hoover 的這篇文章:Quantitative Evaluation of Idealized Models in the New Classical Macroeconomics。


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