
時間 2021-06-12 05:36:54


By truth, reference and representation...As Frege, the originator of philosophy of language and the analytic philosophy said, proper names refer to objects in physical world mainly (except names in fiction), and predications or general names refer to concepts. What he called "concept" is some object which exists in "the third domain" or the abstract world.

The meaning of statements constituted by names and predications are "propositions" (or called by a more Fregean name: "Thought"). When a proposition is true, that means the statement is representing the real world adequately.

The metaphysical significances of concept and proposition are still in serious philosophical debates, but the concepts of "truth", "reference" and "representation" in philosophy of language are still concerned to metaphysics, the domain of being or reality (such as in debates on scientific realism): what exists is what can be said properly. And in my view, the debates on concept and proposition are the modern forms of the debates on the reality of universal which go on from ancient Greece (e.

g. Plato) and the middle age.


being 譯為 是 exist 譯為 存在 這樣就很好了。但是我們的傳統,遇到 being 普遍譯為 存在 如果同時有 exist 就譯為 實存 翻譯造成知識接受的混亂。主要是譯為 存在 覺得通順。又或者認為譯為 是 會把 存在 的涵義剔除。這是理解錯誤。being 這個概念裡有 存在 的內涵,但...


poem 認知語言學 生成語言學 結構語言學三者對比來說,才能分析清楚。三者是實存主義 理性主義 經驗的實證的 結構主義的不同。由此,還可以繼續對三者繼續按主客觀劃界 前一者是徹底還原出主觀成分的主觀主義,後兩者是混淆主客觀並且對許多主觀成分未展開研究的客觀主義。具體說來,例如句法,句法可區分為位置...


谷堅強 建議你選好自己想深入了解的方向,或者是想讀的原著,然後根據原著去決定學哪些語言。量力而為,開心就好。如果是想系統學習,那就看哲學集大成的人的原著,個別的忽略就好了。比如康德的純粹理性批判必讀,那就學習德語。 達瓦里希 所謂語言對於某個學科的優劣,簡單來說大致上是可以分為三個方面,語音,語義和...