
時間 2021-06-09 22:46:53


AMD Formally Unveils FidelityFX Super Resolution: Open Source Game Upscaling

And, to drop into op-ed mode, this is where AMD has me a bit worried. In our pre-briefing with AMD, the company did confirm that FSR is going to bea purely spatial upscaling technology; it will operate on a frame-by-frame basis, without taking into account motion data (motion vectors) from the game itself.

For GPU junkies, many of you will recognize this as a similar strategy to how NVIDIA designed DLSS 1.0, which was all about spatial upscaling by using pre-trained, game-specific neural network models. DLSS 1.

0 was ultimately a failure – it couldn』t consistently produce acceptable results and temporal artifacting was all too common. It wasn』t until NVIDIA introduced DLSS 2.0, a significantly expanded version of the technology that integrated motion vector data (essentially creating Temporal AA on steroids), that they finally got DLSS as we know it in working order.

類似於DLSS 1.0,單幀上取樣技術(超分重建)。

相應的,DLSS 2.0是基於多幀變化的(光流)。

藍雜訊取樣 隨機取樣 低差異序列 它們的聯絡與區別?

藍雜訊 noise with minimal low frequency components and no concentrated spikes in energy 有最小的低頻分量,且無能量高峰。頻譜如下 隨機取樣 用隨機數對取樣點進行抖動取樣。低差異序列 分布均勻的序列,不是隨機序列,但又擁...


騎著螃蟹橫行 根據尤拉定理,正弦波在復平面分解成兩個旋轉方向相反的向量,向量旋轉速度就是角頻率 即轉1圈的時間就是週期 取樣時間可以認為是觀測這兩個旋轉向量的時間間隔,很顯然,如果初始相位從0開始,當觀測時向量已經轉了超過半圓 也就是Pi相位 比如5 4pi,這時兩個向量的位置和轉到3 4pi是一樣...


芯芯子 注意不同電壓與取樣率的問題 2.4v以上,最大取樣率是1Msps,2.4v以下,最大取樣降低為500KSps,低於2.2v,最大取樣率降低為200Ksps 知道了模組的原理後如何提高取樣的精度?第一種方法是找到雜訊源,迴避這個雜訊源,比如在雜訊源穩定,或者消失的時候,進行取樣。就像電機驅動一...