
時間 2021-05-31 19:52:32







作業系統自帶基本的壓縮、解壓,Windows Explorer 老早就可以直接瀏覽 zip 檔案,這對大多數人就已經夠用了。

至於分享檔案,除了 P2P,沒什麼場合是非打包不可的,無論你拿 QQ 郵件還是網盤。畢竟壓縮本身不是乙個最終的目的。










HISTORY of the 7-Zip

15.06 beta 2015-08-09

- 7-Zip now can extract RAR5 archives.

- 7-Zip now doesn't sort files by type while adding to solid 7z archive.

- new -mqs switch to sort files by type while adding to solid 7z archive.

- The BUG in 7-Zip File Manager was fixed:

The "Move" operation to open 7z archive didn't delete empty files.

- The BUG in 15.05 was fixed:

console version added some text to the end of stdout stream, is -so switch was used.

- The BUG in 9.30 - 15.05 was fixed:

7-Zip could not open multivolume sfx RAR archive.

- Some bugs were fixed.

15.05 beta 2015-06-14

- 7-Zip now uses new installer.

- 7-Zip now can create 7z, xz and zip archives with 1536 MB dictionary for LZMA/LZMA2.

- 7-Zip File Manager now can operate with alternate file streams at NTFS

volumes via "File / Alternate Streams" menu command.

- 7-Zip now can extract .zipx (WinZip) archives that use xz compression.

- new optional "section size" parameter for BCJ2 filter for compression ratio improving.

Example: -mf=BCJ2:d9M, if largest executable section in files is smaller than 9 MB.

- Speed optimizations for BCJ2 filter and SHA-1 and SHA-256 calculation.

- Console version now uses stderr stream for error messages.

- Console version now shows names of processed files only in progress line by default.

- new -bb[0-3] switch to set output log level. -bb1 shows names of processed files in log.

- new -bs[o|e|p][0|1|2] switch to set stream for output messages;

o: output, e: error, p: progress line; 0: disable, 1: stdout, 2: stderr.

- new -bt switch to show execution time statistics.

- new -myx[0-9] switch to set level of file analysis.

- new -mmtf- switch to set single thread mode for filters.

- The BUG was fixed:

7-Zip didn't restore NTFS permissions for folders during extracting from WIM archives.

- The BUG was fixed:

The command line version: if the command "rn" (Rename) was called with more

than one pair of paths, 7-Zip used only first rename pair.

- The BUG was fixed:

7-Zip crashed for ZIP/LZMA/AES/AES-NI.

- The BUG in 15.01-15.02 was fixed:

7-Zip created incorrect ZIP archives, if ZipCrypto encryption was used.

7-Zip 9.20 can extract such incorrect ZIP archives.

- Some bugs were fixed.

9.38 beta 2015-01-03

- Some bugs were fixed.

9.36 beta 2014-12-26

- The BUG in command line version was fixed:

7-Zip created temporary archive in current folder during update archive

operation, if -w switch was not specified.

The fixed 7-Zip creates temporary archive in folder that contains updated archive.

- The BUG in 9.33-9.35 was fixed:

7-Zip silently ignored file reading errors during 7z or gz archive creation,

and the created archive contained only part of file that was read before error.

The fixed 7-Zip stops archive creation and it reports about error.

- Some bugs were fixed.

9.35 beta 2014-12-07

- The BUG was fixed:

7-Zip crashed during ZIP archive creation, if the number of CPU threads was more than 64.

- The BUG in 9.31-9.34 was fixed:

7-Zip could not correctly extract ISO archives that are larger than 4 GiB.

- The BUG in 9.33-9.34 was fixed:

The option "Compress shared files" and -ssw switch didn't work.

- The BUG in 9.26-9.34 was fixed:

7-Zip File Manager could crash for some archives open in "Flat View" mode.

- Some bugs were fixed.

9.34 alpha 2014-06-22

- The BUG in 9.33 was fixed:

Command line version of 7-Zip could work incorrectly, if there is relative

path in exclude filename optiton (-x) and absolute path as include filename.

- The BUG in 9.26-9.33 was fixed:

7-Zip could not open some unusual 7z archives that were created by another

software (not by 7-Zip).

- The BUG in 9.31-9.33 was fixed:

7-Zip could crash with switch -tcab.

9.33 alpha 2014-06-15

- 7-Zip now can show icons for 7-Zip items in Explorer's context menu.

- "Add to archive" dialog box:

- new options in "Path Mode"

- new option "Delete files after compression"

- new "NTFS" options for WIM and TAR formats:

- Store symbolic links

- Store hard links

- Store alternate data streams

- Store file security

- "Extract" dialog box:

- new optional field to set output folder name

- new option "Eliminate duplication of root folder"

- new option "Absolute pathnames" in "Path Mode".

- new option "Restore file security" (that works for WIM archives only)

- 7-Zip File Manager:

- new "File / Link" dialog box in to create symbolic links and hard links.

- Command line version:

- new -spd switch to Disable wildcard matching for file names

- new -spe switch to Eliminate duplication of root folder for extract archive command

- new -snh switch to store hard links as links (WIM and TAR formats only)

- new -snl switch to store symbolic links as links (WIM and TAR formats only)

- NSIS support was improved.

- The problem was fixed:

The command "extract to \*" with multiple archives could use same

output folder, if archives are placed inside PE (EXE) file.

- The BUG of 9.31-9.32 was fixed:

Command line version for test and extract commands returned the

value 0 as exit code, if it couldn't open archive.

- The BUG was fixed:

7-Zip could not create archives with anti-items for any archive type,

except of 7z type

- Some bugs were fixed.

- New localization: Mongolian (script).


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