
時間 2021-06-01 07:49:30


She also knew from previous work conducted on birds and dolphins that these animals put half of their brains to sleep at a time so that they can rest while remaining alert enough.

這是主句+賓語從句的主從復合句,主句為She also knew ,賓語從句為that these animals put half of their brains to sleep at a time so that they can rest while remaining alert enough.

在主句中, from previous work 做狀語,表示從某個方面得知。conducted on birds and dolphins 是過去分詞,做前面的名詞work的定語。

在賓語從句中,that 為賓語從句的連詞。so that they can rest while remaining alert enough.做目的狀語。



She(主語)alsoknew(謂語動詞) from previous workconducted on birds and dolphins(過去分詞短語作後置定語)that(賓語從句)


these animals (主語)put(謂語動詞)half of their brains(賓語)to sleep at a timeso that (目的狀語從句)they can rest while remaining alert enough.


凱恩德 主語 A 謂語 invites 賓語 B 賓補 to write down whether they like it.其中 不定式 to write down 帶有賓語從句 whether they like it.因為,不定式是非謂語動詞呀,它當然可以帶賓從,如 1.章振邦新編英語語法 上...


原題 instead of valuing all 24 hours of their day as enjoyable and productive hours,they gauge only the time spent in leisure and play as meaningful 狀語 ...


多來公尺 先從漢語著手,搞清楚漢語的主謂賓,你就能從原理上搞清楚英語的主謂賓。小學四五年級語文有壓縮句子,擴充套件句子的學習,把漢語句子的句子成分弄清楚,英語也就簡單了。 Crispim 我們先快速地辯識一下句子的主謂賓 謂語 動詞也就是乙個動作 主語 動作的發出者 賓語 動作的承受者 2.謂語 連...