如何評價 Marc Newson 設計的 Magis Rocky 小馬外形兒童椅?

時間 2021-06-02 07:26:03


"'I wanted to work on some really fundamental things I thought were either badly designed or simply iconic products for children.Although I think ther are plenty of beautiful old rocking horses,there aren't really any nice new ones.' The design was loosely inspired by the way a horse looks when wearing a jousting cloak.

This genius idea gives a horse a solid form that conceals the mechanism(pivoting steel arms) that allows the horse to rock back and forth.」

Material: recyclable molded polyethylene,steel,sisal rope


如何評價 Marc Newson 的設計風格?

為世界製造曲線的人.Designers should be obessed and preoccupied with the idea of designing objects that can stand the test of the time.MarcNewson in Sydney,2013...

如何評價 Ant Design 這個專案(乙個設計語言)?

旗鼓相當的牛頓流體 當團隊裡有真正的設計師來設計一套特定的介面風格時,你根本不需要這類設計語言,說白了用它只是為了糊後台介面,而且用他糊介面是確保大家用的是同一套 api,他懂我也懂,快速出活,這個時候,這型別的設計在我眼裡已無美感可言,湊合著吧。 臧大為 細節不夠好。比如這個搜尋框,放大鏡圖示位置...


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