
時間 2021-06-05 09:03:38



MicroSort is based around a theory that girl sperm (technically, girl-producing sperm, but that's gonna get cumbersome to type) are bigger than boy sperm. It's like all the sperm are at a 6th grade dance.

In MicroSort, they take a guy's sperm, put it in a tube, and filling the sperm with dye. The larger, lady sperm consume more dye, which makes them glow brighter when a laser is shined on them. The brighter girl sperm are sorted out from the less-bright boy sperm and the woman is inseminated with only the gender sperm of her choice.

They say it's about 90 percent successful at choosing girls and 75 percent successful at choosing boys. (Not all of the other gender sperm can be rooted out, but it's easier to root out the male sperm.)

如何看待未婚女性 通過精子銀行受孕 的選擇?

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