莎士比亞說a rose by any other name 體現了語言的什麼特徵

時間 2021-06-09 10:12:44


Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose 是捷爾特茹德斯坦因的一句詩。意思是「羅斯是玫瑰就像玫瑰就是玫瑰一樣」。她首次在英語中連用三個is。

所以,A rose is a rose is a rose 的意思是「一朵玫瑰就像一朵玫瑰是一朵玫瑰一樣」。

Gertrude Stein's repetitive language can be said to refer to the changing quality of language in time and history. She herself said to an audience at Oxford University that the statement referred to the fact that when the Romantics used the word "rose" it had a direct relationship to an actual rose. For later periods in literature this would no longer be true.

The eras following romanticism, notably the modern era, use the word rose to refer to the actual rose, yet they also imply, through the use of the word, the archetypical elements of the romantic era. It also follows the rhetoric law of thricefold repetition to emphasize a point, as can be seen in speeches dating back to the sophists.


無人與我道三安 我認為有一定歷史依據。莎翁作品所體現的許多都是需要必要條件才能寫出來,他的作品中描寫到許多關於伊莉莎白一世的事,但史料證明兩人甚至沒有見過面,且莎翁事伊莉莎白一世時期唯一乙個沒有被追究刑事責任和遭受牢獄之災的詩人,在他的劇本中不乏對權高位重的羅伯特塞西爾的諷刺,所以這種情況只有一種可...


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跳跳魚 首先,莎士比亞是沒有教材的,只有讀本。我最推薦的是The Norton Shakespeare.這個版本基於oxford edition,每乙個play都會標明q1,q2,f之間的區別,最重要的是,norton裡會有註解在early modern english裡的異議詞,play的話,除了...