
時間 2021-06-02 05:46:35


If your father is described as handsome, it means he is good-looking, attractive in a classically masculine way. If your mother is also called handsome, it means while she's striking, if not exactly pretty.

Handsome is always a compliment, an admiring way of describing someone, although it's sometimes used as a way to describe a woman who's not conventionally attractive but is still interesting-looking. You can use it to describe an object as well as a person, in which case you are most likely talking about something that's really well-made, or of an obviously high quality, like a particularly handsome oak dining-room table. Occasionally, people talk about a handsome amount of money or a handsome number of votes; this is a generally admiring way of describing almost anything.


fuego 就演藝圈工作範圍而言 哪有除了演戲什麼都行的演員?首先,不算演戲,其他唱歌跳舞綜藝主持能力兼具,情商還高的人,真的有一些,可是這些人,演戲照樣行!比如黃渤第乙個就想到他雖然顏值 但演戲沒的說啊!還會導演!這就不符合了。從反面來看,演員出身的話,演戲都不行,那還有什麼行?就是想拉踩一波被詬...


還沒禿呢 以下詩句與羽生的合拍程度更多是從表演時的氣質來考慮的,而不是長相 洛神賦 尤其是加粗字型 翩若驚鴻,婉若遊龍。榮曜秋菊,華茂春松。彷彿兮若輕雲之蔽月,飄搖兮若流風之回雪。遠而望之,皎若太陽公升朝霞 迫而察之,灼若芙蕖出淥波。穠纖得衷,修短合度。肩若削成,腰如約素。延頸秀項,皓質呈露。芳澤無...


蝦說 唐代 杜甫 丞相祠堂何處尋,錦官城外柏森森。映階碧草自春色,隔葉黃鸝空好音。三顧頻煩天下計,兩朝開濟老臣心。出師未捷身先死,長使英雄淚滿襟。宋代 陸游 當年萬里覓封侯。匹馬戍梁州。關河夢斷何處,塵暗舊貂裘。胡未滅,鬢先秋。淚空流。此生誰料,心在天山,身老滄洲。宋代 文天祥 辛苦遭逢起一經,干戈...