confuse 和 puzzle的區別在哪?

時間 2021-06-02 03:59:37


in daily conversation, you can equate these two. they are not differentiated by their superficial meaning

if you want to go deeper


a)confused can designate to the emotion that arises from confliction of facts. for example, if someone just told you that axiom A is true and someone else tells you that axiom a is wrong, and you will get confused ( A is true or A is wrong?)

b)confused can also be used to refer to the mental chaos generated by limitations of mental power. in your case, this man is doing math manipulation, his working memory cannot hold all of the information so he get lost. another example would be :

try add all the powers of 2 ( 2^2,2^3,2^n) and you will definitely feel confused. in my conversation with my math classmate at US institution. I often say " I am confused, how did you arrive at this equation again?

"c) finally, if someone confuse two things, they mistaken one for another. you could confuse two concepts ( electric field and magnetic field) or two people. for example, if you see a pair of twins who look completely identical to each other, you might confuse them for each other.


puzzled also means you don't know how to solve a problem or utterly don't know the answer to a problem, not even a clue. for example, a student could normally be puzzled by math olympiad problems because sometimes when seeing these problems, they don't even know where to start.

however in general( or at least according to the collins dictionary), there's no differences between these two ( collins even included the word" confused" in its definition of puzzled

hope it helps.


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