為什麼case control studies計算風險時使用odds ratio而不是relative risk?

時間 2021-06-05 13:25:32


In a longitudinal study, we can use risk ratio (cumulative incidence ratio) as table below;

However, in a case control study, we use odds ratio instead of risk ratio due to the fact thatthe cases and controls are chosen by the investigator.We can use different matching ratios such as 1:1 or 1:

10 to choose cases and controls, which may lead to different results if we use risk ratio. The following is a good example;

In the same source population

If we choose 1:1 matching, the table is shown below;

=If we choose 1:10 matching, the table is shown below;

= From the table, we can see that the risk ratios (1.83 and 3.08) are different under different matching ratio settings, and the odds ratios (3.

5) are the same. Since the source population stays constant, we want constant results no matter what matching ratios we use. That's the reason we choose odds ratio in case control study.

Risk ratio depends on chosen matching ratio in case control.


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