
時間 2021-06-04 02:36:08


Newsman: For the fourth time on his journey across America, Forrest Gump, gardener from Greenbow, Alabama, is about to cross the Mississippi River again today.

Jenny:[watching T.V.]I'll be damned. Forrest.

Newsman: Sir, why are you running?

Reporter #1: Why are you running?

Reporter #2: Are you doing this for world peace?

Reporter #3: Are you doing this for women's right?

Newsman: Or for the environment?

Reporter #1: Or for animals?

Reporter #3: Or for nuclear arms?

Forrest Gump:[narrating]They just couldn't believe that somebody would do all that running for no particular reason.

Reporter #2: Why are you doing this?

Forrest Gump: I just felt like running.

Forrest Gump:[narrating]I just felt like running.


Heinrich 對不同人來說簡單的定義不一樣。題主說的 把該講的點點到了的那種 應該是指把 日常數學 要用到幾乎所有集合論都講到吧?我學集合論的讀的是 Kunen 的 Foundation of Mathematics,學完後基本就差不多了 看到基數不再那麼害怕了,形如 線性空間的維度,群的階之類...


Jason Hu 稍微槓一下啊。一般的topos,如Set,由於subobject classifier,因而可能有Choice這種公理,所以其內部語言不一定是intuitionistic type theory。或者說intuitionistic type theory不是乙個complete i...

型別論和範疇論中有沒有類似集合論中 空集 的概念?

Slow Learner 如果從範疇論角度來說,集合範疇的空集在裡面是initial object,哪在範疇範疇裡面,我記得initial object是空範疇 就是乙個沒有object的範疇 這句話非常可能是錯的,但我確定空集是所有集合組成的範疇的initial object,所以照理來說你只要找...