曼昆經濟學裡的trade off 應該翻譯成什麼?

時間 2021-06-03 03:54:13


權衡就是在有限的資源分配中如何分配在不同事物的比較評定它和機會成本(opportunity cost)不同前者指權衡



In economics the term is expressed as opportunity cost, referring to the most preferred alternative given up. A tradeoff, then, involves a sacrifice that must be made to obtain a certain product, service or experience, rather than others that could be made or obtained using the same required resources. For a person going to a basketball game, their opportunity cost is the money and time expended, as compared with the alternative of watching a particular television program at home.


Oxford English Dictionary:Orig. U.

S. In early use: an exchange.

Now chiefly: a compromise between two desirable but mutually exclusive features; a concession or sacrifice made in one area to obtain benefits in another.

Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English : a balancing of desirable considerations or goals all of which are not attainable at the same time


Merriam-Webster Unabridged這個詞的側重點就是兩者或多者之間的權衡。

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