
時間 2021-06-02 05:25:45


RG Score ResearchGate 自己的乙個指標,評價其在ResearchGate的科研聲譽。


TheRG Scoremeasures scientific reputation based on how your work is received by your peers. We believe that researchers are the best judges of each other's work and that all a person's research, published or not, deserves credit. With this in mind, your RG Score is calculated based on any contribution you share on ResearchGate or add to your profile, such as published articles, unpublished research, projects, questions, and answers.

Our algorithm looks at how your peers receive and evaluate these contributions, and who they are. The higher the RG Scores of those who interact with your research, the more your own score will increase. A low-quality contribution probably won't attract positive feedback and recognition from the community, so it won't contribute to your score in any significant way.

In contrast to more traditional metrics, theRG Scorefocuses on you, an ever-growing community of specialists, and puts reputation firmly back into the hands of researchers.

區間 1,1 上的數多,還是區間 10,10 上的數多?

擰發條鳥年代 雖然是個被看不起的文科生。單我還是清清楚楚地記得是一樣的多。但是對於這個問題總是懷著乙個說不出來的疑問,邏輯上是這樣為啥實際看起來不是這樣。 先定義 多 如果你的意思是集合的勢更大的叫做 多 那麼這倆都不比對方多 實際上,兩者等勢 如果你的意思是集合按包含關係排序中超集叫做 多 那麼 ...

可以說 0,1 上的有理數和 1, 上的有理數一樣多嗎

都是可數的 對b a,b,a 畫乙個dictionary order 如果要是直觀的理解,說看起來面積也差不多也比說Lebesgue number靠譜 寒風蔽樹 說乙個思路 第一步。分析問題,這是無窮個數比較個數的多少,對吧。第二步。高中之前學的都是在有限個數比較大小對吧?那麼有限的那一套到無限裡面...

在私募排排網 格上財富以及金斧子上公布的資料,有可能作假嗎?

看收益,看風險 私募排排網 格上 金斧子都是三方公司,理論上來說是中立的,然而三方也是需要吃飯的,所以他們都有對應的代銷產品業務,採集的資料私募公司沒有義務給他們報送,所以只能靠他們自己統計,那就會出現統計口徑的偏差問題,加上基礎資料也是非一手資訊,所以有誤差,很正常 私募公司有義務報送資料的基本是...