joint ventures 合資企業的優缺點

時間 2021-06-01 01:37:40


The Advantage of Joint Venture

1. Provide companies with the opportunity to gain new capacity and expertise

2.Allow companies to enter related businesses or new geographic markets or gain new technological knowledge

3.access to greater resources, including specialized staff and technology

4.sharing of risks with a venture partner

5. Joint ventures can be flexible. Companies can gradually separate a business from the rest of the organization, and eventually, sell it to the other parent company.

Roughly 80% of all joint ventures end in a sale by one partner to the other.

The Disadvantages of Joint Ventures

1. It takes time and effort to build the right relationship and partnering with another business can be challenging.

2.There is an imbalance in levels of expertise, investment or assets brought into the venture by the different partners.

3.Different cultures and management styles result in poor integration and co-operation.

4. The partners don't provide enough leadership and support in the early stages.

5. Success in a joint venture depends on thorough research and analysis of the objectives.


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