
時間 2021-05-05 17:20:03



"While questing once in noble wood of gray medieval pine, I came upon a tomb, rain-slicked, rubbed cool, ethereal; its inscription long vanished, yet still within its melancholy fissures—"

"The painter's brush touched the inchoate face by ends of nimble bristles and, with that blush of first color, rendered her lifeless cheek living; though languish—"

"E'en the most gifted bard's rhyme can only sing but to the lack of her and all she isn't. His tongue doth trip—"

"A moist, black ash dampens the filth of a dung-dark rat's nest and mingles with the thick scent of wood rot while the lark song of a guttersnipe—"

"'Twas first light when I saw her face upon the heath, and hence did I return, day by day, entranced. Though vinegar did brine my heart—"

"'Tis oft remarked no single, falling flake does any other in its pure and perfect form—"

"If this do be me end: farewell! cried the wounded piper boy, whilst the muskets cracked and the yeomen roared, "Hurrah!

" and the ramparts fell. "Methinks me breathes me last me fears," said he—"

"Whence came these two radiant, celestial brothers, united for an instant as they crossed the stratosphere of our starry window? One from the East, and one from the West."


鹽選推薦 布達佩斯大飯店 這部影片在世界電影史上將占有特殊的地位,我可以肯定地說。因為這部電影很明確的把自己坐落在世界電影史的乙個時刻,這個時刻就是數碼轉型完成,或者說數碼取代膠片成為電影的基本介質的這樣乙個歷史的時刻。2012 年,好萊塢本土關閉了最後乙個膠片洗印廠,標識著乙個偉大的電影年代 我們...


1.演員而已 個人覺得眉目間還是很像的 2.殺手找過阿加莎,但是讓她跑了。所以他先轉身殺了管家的姐姐,還有管家。殺死管家後,他很有可能會繼續追殺阿加莎,但結果途中狗帶了。3.阿加莎在片中多次佩戴過那個鑰匙勳章 那就是古斯塔夫送的。與其說活下來的是古斯塔夫,不如說零佩戴著這個鑰匙標誌的徽章,不僅是在懷...


木子木白 布達佩斯大飯店 看著舒服 流暢,讓我覺得這真的是一部好電影。而 一步之遙 呢?好不好我不知道,我只看了30分鐘就真的看不下去了。 不看影評,國內有幾個人真看懂了 布 的內涵?然而看不懂的人,也能被它的故事和畫面的藝術性所吸引。一步之遙 太賣弄其內涵,表層功夫沒做好。這點就不如讓子彈飛。不恰...