為什麼 Unicode 中有兩個八分音符?

時間 2021-06-03 19:51:01


在《The Unicode Standard: Version 6.2》的 15.

12 Western Musical Symbols [1] 這一節明確解釋了這件事(詳見該章節全文):Symbols in Other Blocks.U+266D music flat sign, U+266E music natural sign, and U+266F music sharp sign—three characters that occur frequently in musical notation— are encoded in the Miscellaneous Symbols block (U+2600..

U+267F). However, four char- acters also encoded in that block are to be interpreted merely as dingbats or miscellaneous symbols, not as representing actual musical notes:U+2669 quarter note

U+266A eighth note

U+266B beamed eighth notes

U+266C beamed sixteenth notes

即,只有 Musical Symbols 這個 block(U+1D100–1D1FF)的八分音符(等幾個符號)是用於記譜的字元。

很多 Unicode 相關問題都可以在 Unicode 標準文件中找到明確答案。


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