QFT,弦論有效場論中說的integrate out 是什麼意思?

時間 2021-05-12 16:33:57


I am not very familiar with the mathematics here, but I do see "integrate out" in QFT a lot of times.

In path integral, everything imitates the usual integral on complex plane. Thus the integration of d\phi in path integral will be very similar to

The only difference here is that the contraction between p and x, which is typically a discrete sum, becomes an integral of two fields, which can be seen as a "continuous" sum. Thus, such an integration over d\phi yields a delta function of 1-form B, forcing it to take a specific form.

I am a little puzzled in two aspects. First, if you integrate out d\phi rather than \phi, it seems B has to be zero. (Maybe I neglect some points or misunderstand the mathematics.

) Moreover, the path integral is

it seems what should be integrated out is \phi rather than d\phi.

Hoping this is useful for you.


integrate out就是場論中的意思,如果這個場是dynamical的,就要把它的沿著經典運動方程的量子漲落積分掉。經典運動方程對應著樹圖,二次漲落對應單圈,高階項對應高圈圍繞修正。

你這裡phi是一次的,並不是dynamical的,相當於乙個Lagrange multiplier。所以integrate phi out就是求它的運動方程,解出來就是關於對B field的約束



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