it s adj 與it adj 什麼區別?

時間 2021-06-01 05:40:20

1樓:adamlam99』s + adj.


a. It』scoldtoday.

b. It』skindof you to drive me to the airport.

c. It』sbeautiful weatheroutside.

In (a) and (b), 「cold」 and 「kind」 are Subject Complement (主語補語) Adjectives giving more information on the Dummy Subject 「it」.

1.Object Complement (賓語補語) (inbold)

a. The gown was beautiful, and the diamond necklace made itcomplete.

b. The street is busy, and the festival will make itbustling.

c. The connoisseur likes the wine, and he considers itexquisite.

2.Other sentences not using 「it」

a. This street is named after someonefamous.

b. Can you direct me to the personresponsiblehere?

(Well, these 2 can be classified as Object Complements as well).


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