
時間 2021-11-07 10:08:02


In short, the problem is so-called Traction Control, which is targeting at controlling the slip ratio to maximize the traction force. The control input is the wheel torque (either from motor or brake) and the control system output is the slip ratio. The reference signal is the desired (optimal) slip ratio.

The control problem would be a servo problem (slip ratio tracking). Due to the non-linearity of the traction control problem, the controller can be sliding-mode or gain-scheduling. In addition, extremum-seeking is also a handy tool to formulate the control law for the traction control problem.


實在看不下去了,力是相互的啊,輪胎去磨地,地也作用於輪胎啊,小明他媽糊了小明一巴掌,小明他媽不光心疼,手也是疼的,因為力是相互的! 幾度痴狂 還是拿自行車來說吧。你抬自行車後輪架起來看一下。在你騎自行車的時候,後輪與地面接觸的部分是向後轉的。也就是說當你正常騎自行車的時候,相對於地面,車輪有向後運動...


金吉小貓 A control law is a mathematical formula used by the controller to determine the output u that is sent to the plant.In a feedback control scenario...


我要大樂透 感覺女生們的關係很微妙。雖然不能理解女生的世界但是我也想試著理解。首先,根據題主的描述我覺得別急著確定h是小偷。這裡面的原因我就不一一解釋了否則這就是夏洛克的劇情了。我之所以說別急著確定h是小偷是因為女生很相信直覺和言論。事實的真相永遠不得而知。另外,就算h是小偷。你們還是同學還是舍友你...