C 迭代器實質是什麼

時間 2021-06-04 09:51:17


按照Herb Sutter的最新說法(https://


A Pointer is not an Owner and provides indirect access to an object it does not own (can dangle).


The following standard or other types are treated as-if annotated as Pointer, if not otherwise annotated and if not Owners:

Every type that satisfies the standard Iterator requirements. [...]

Every type that satisfies the Ranges TS Range concept. [...]

Every type that satisfies the following concept. [...]


concept TriviallyCopyableAndNonOwningAndDereferenceable =

std::is_trivially_copyable_v &&

std::is_copy_constructible_v &&

std::is_copy_assignable_v &&

requires(T t) ;

Every closure type of a lambda that captures by reference or captures a Pointer by value. [...]

Every type that is publicly derived from a Pointer type.

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