stata 如何處理文字資訊進行賦值?

時間 2021-06-01 23:14:22


When I see a do-file with a number of very similar statements, I know that the author』s first language was not Stata. A construct such as

generate newcode = 1 if oldcode == 11

replace newcode = 2 if oldcode == 21

replace newcode = 3 if oldcode == 31

...suggests to me that the author should read help recode. See below for a way to automate a recode statement.

A number of generate functions can also come in handy:inlist( ), inrange( ), cond( ), recode( ), which can all be used to map multiple values of one variable into a new variable.

2樓:Z YoY



新變數叫 new

gen new=.

replace new=1 if regexm(name,"醫院")replace new=0 if regexm(name,"疾控")就可以啦~~要具體知識的話就搜尋regular expression :)

不過要注意會不會有的機構名稱既包含「醫院」 又包含「疾控」咯


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