LinkedIn 中應當如何撰寫 Summary

時間 2021-06-01 23:01:58


The LI Summary is a unique place; one of the only in any of your

offline or online professional marketing documents where you can be

highly promotional and sell yourself as if you are a product. Especially since you are to

theemployer with a problem!Use the Summary to talk proudly about your tangible talents and prior achievements both in work environments and any

other relevant areas such as sports or the arts which will reflect

well on your ability to perform in the workplace.

Be sure to highlight in bullet points any qualities or prior achievements

which make you special and worthy of consideration above and beyond any

of the other candidates for the companies you are interested in.

Examples can include:

1) President of university radio club with 100 active members, organizer of bi-annual fund raisers with 500+ attendees raising 220,000 RMB.

2) Poly-lingual (Mandarin, Cantonese, English, French)

3) Nationally ranked in racquetball, 17th place finish in PRC finals, 2014

4) Named 1 of 5 analysts from MBA program to participate in prestigious Goldman Sachs internship program in Beijing; chosen from student body of 375

It is ok if you repeat some material which is found in other sections

since LI and external search engines look at different areas

to find keywords which lead to job prospects. Also it is important to

consider working with a professional LI expert as different techniques

such as strong action keywords and verbs improve your chances of rising

to the top of employer searches. Not to mention some additional strategies for other parts of the LI Profile.

Please let me know if you would like this

answer in Chinese. Thank you.

Vince Fulco, CFA, CAIA


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