c 0x和c 11是什麼關係?0x又是什麼意思?

時間 2021-05-07 06:50:34


The old -std=c++0x is only needed for older compiler versions that did not support -std=c++11 and they chose that name to express the preliminary and unstable nature of features (and the ABI) of the then upcoming C++11 (and when it was still unclear whether that would eventually become C++10 or C++12). They changes some of the details adapting to the changing working drafts of the standard at the time before the C++11 standard was officially released.

If your compiler supports -std=c++11, there is no reason to use -std=c++0x. Concerning compatibility: There might even be differences and incompatibilities, but these are not just bound to the use of -std=c++0x, but to specific versions of the compiler.

When the compiler supports both, they should be identical.

豆瓣: -std=c++11 -std=c++0x


同意@程劭非 的答案,


上乙個版本的C++國際標準是2023年發布的,所以叫C++ 03。

然後C++國際標準委員會在研究C++ 03的下乙個版本的時候,一開始計畫是07年發布,所以最初這個標準叫C++ 07。

但是到06年的時候,官方覺得07年肯定完不成C++ 07,而且官方覺得08年可能也完不成。最後乾脆叫C++ 0x。x的意思是不知道到底能在07還是08還是09年完成。


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