一道概率題 有 號9張牌 ?

時間 2021-11-07 05:40:21


根據 @靈劍 的解法,寫了個程式實現,算出來9張牌全部翻開的概率大約是0.010325,和@趙明的結果很接近。





static void Main(string args)

curStates = intermediateStates;

intermediateStates = new double[10Print output


// For given state, calculate the next state after one flip

// Update resultStates accordingly

// curStates: array storing initial probabilities

// resultStates: array to store the result probabilities

// numberOfUpCards: Number of cards facing up(current state)

static void Flip(double curStates, double resultStates, int numberOfUpCards)

int totalCase = 0;

// could flip 1, 2 or 3 cards at a time, so (1/3) for each case

double eachFlipRate = 1.0 / 3;

// Flip 1 card

totalCase = 9; // A(9,1)

// 1 card facing up -> down

if (numberOfUpCards > 0resultStates[numberOfUpCards - 1] +=

curRate * eachFlipRate * numberOfUpCards / totalCase;

} // 1 card facing down -> up

if (numberOfDownCards > 0resultStates[numberOfUpCards + 1] +=

curRate * eachFlipRate * numberOfDownCards / totalCaseFlip 2 cards

totalCase = 9 * 8; // A(9,2)

// 2 cards facing up -> down

// numberOfUpCards * (numberOfUpCards - 1) cases

if (numberOfUpCards > 1resultStates[numberOfUpCards - 2] +=

curRate * eachFlipRate * numberOfUpCards * (numberOfUpCards - 1) / totalCase;

} // 1 card facing up -> down, 1 card facing down -> up

if (numberOfUpCards > 0 && numberOfDownCards > 0resultStates[numberOfUpCards] +=

curRate * eachFlipRate * numberOfUpCards * numberOfDownCards * 2 / totalCase;

} // 2 cards facing down -> up

// numberOfDownCards * (numberOfDownCards - 1) cases

if (numberOfDownCards > 1resultStates[numberOfUpCards + 2] +=

curRate * eachFlipRate * numberOfDownCards * (numberOfDownCards - 1) / totalCaseFlip 3

totalCase = 9 * 8 * 7; // A(9,3)

// 3 cards facing up -> down

// numberOfUpCards * (numberOfUpCards-1) * (numberOfUpCards-2)

if (numberOfUpCards > 2resultStates[numberOfUpCards - 3] +=

curRate * eachFlipRate * numberOfUpCards * (numberOfUpCards - 1) * (numberOfUpCards - 2) / totalCase;

} // 2 cards facing up -> down, 1 card facing down -> up = -1 up

// numberOfUpCards * (numberOfUpCards-1) * numberOfDownCards * A(3,1)

if (numberOfUpCards > 1 && numberOfDownCards > 0resultStates[numberOfUpCards - 1] +=

curRate * eachFlipRate * numberOfUpCards * (numberOfUpCards - 1) * numberOfDownCards * 3 / totalCase;

} // 1 card facing up -> down, 2 cards facing down -> up = +1 up

// numberOfUpCards * numberOfDownCards * (numberOfDownCards - 1) * A(3,1)

if (numberOfUpCards > 0 && numberOfDownCards > 1resultStates[numberOfUpCards + 1] +=

curRate * eachFlipRate * numberOfUpCards * numberOfDownCards * (numberOfDownCards - 1) * 3 / totalCase;

} // 3 cards facing down -> up

// numberOfDownCards * (numberOfDownCards - 1) * (numberOfDownCards - 2)

if (numberOfDownCards > 2resultStates[numberOfUpCards + 3] +=

curRate * eachFlipRate * numberOfDownCards * (numberOfDownCards - 1) * (numberOfDownCards - 2) / totalCase



單次概率P,重複N次,發生奇數次概率是 f(p,n)=[ 1 - (1-2p)^n ] / 2;

所以應該就是 ( f(P,10) )^9


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