
時間 2021-06-08 22:27:09


你好。並列連詞 and 引導的並列句:I suppose that ……place. 其中:

主語: I


賓語(從句):that is ……place,其中:

主語:that 指代上句

謂語:is rooted

狀語(地點):in my belief

同位語 (從句):that the power of creativity and inteligence can make the world a better place, 說明 belief 的內容是什麼,其中:

主語:the power of ceativity and inteligence

謂語:can make

賓語:the world

賓補:a better place


2樓:Andrew Lin

I've always been an optimist (句1)and

I suppose (句2)

that (作為代詞存在,指代I『ve always been an optimist這個事實)

is rooted in my beliefthat (引導乙個從句,來補充belief是什麼)the power of creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place.


I』ve always been an optimist. I suppose being an optimist is rooted in one of my believes. I believe that the power of ...

can make the world a better place.

第乙個that 不是用來引導從句的,就是乙個代詞。


and前面是乙個簡單句,主要分析and後面的句子I suppose (此處省略了賓語從句先行詞that)that(賓語從句裡的形式主語) is rooted in my belief that(引導賓語從句裡的真正的主語) the power of creativity and intelligence can make the world a better place.

拆解開來,主句 I suppose that.

加上第乙個賓語從句 I suppose that is rooted in my belief.

that所指代的內容為 the power of creativity and intelligence(主語) can make the world a better place. 將這個句子加上that變為從句,加到句尾,就得到了整個長句子


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