怎麼用英語表達 他很厲害

時間 2021-06-02 21:24:17


前面大家都說的很好了. He rocks. He is capable to do his job...

He is really good at doing something.

還有乙個俚語形容這個人在某些方面如魚得水:He is cooking with gas.


He/she is so/super/really good at (doing) something, or at what he's doing就可以貼切的表達這個意思了。在正常的談話中(非表演類) 老外口頭表達經常用這個表示在什麼方面很厲害。 不是演電影的話不需要用特別炫酷的說法,在日常對話會顯得有點誇張。


He/She has it (in him).

The man/woman is capable.

He/*She is good.

He/She' s the man (for the job).

He/She's your man.

He/She is resourceful.

He/She is skillful.

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