Strategic Management 有哪些 PhD level 的教材?

時間 2021-05-30 10:13:11



The Strategic Management Review (SMR) publishes ideas that matter for strategic management research. Specifically, the SMR features provocative essays and forward-looking reviews to guide the questions tackled by research in the field. The journal also aims to promote integration of strategic management research by encouraging research closely connected with the field』s canonical problems as defined by management practice.

The SMR complements existing strategic management outlets that emphasize empirical research.


2020 Vol. 1, No. 1: Inaugural Issue

--Leiblein, M., & Reuer, J. 2020.

Foundations and futures of strategic management. Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 1-33.

--Drnevich, P., Mahoney, J., & Schendel, D.

2020. Has strategic management research lost its way? Strategic Management Review, 1(1):


--Bettis, R., & Blettner, D. 2020.

Strategic reality today: Extraordinary past success, but difficult challenges loom. Strategic Management Review, 1(1):


--Teece, D. 2020. Fundamental issues in strategy:

Time to reassess? Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 103-144.

--Wernerfelt, B. 2020. A possible micro-foundation for the RBV and its implications.

Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 145-158.

--Magliolo, J., Madsen, T., & Walker, G.

2020. Growing and shrinking. Strategic Management Review, 1(1):


--Feldman, E. 2020. Corporate strategy:

Past, present, and future. Strategic Management Review, 1(1): 179-206.

2020 Vol. 1, No. 2: Open Innovation

--Bercovitz, J., & Chesbrough, H. 2020.

Hopping tables: An introduction to the SMR special issue on open innovation. Strategic Management Review, 1(2):


--Felin, T., & Zenger, T. 2020.

Open innovation: A theory-based view. Strategic Management Review, 1(2):


--Teece, D. 2020. Hand in glove:

Open innovation and the dynamic capabilities framework. Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 233-253.

--Laursen, K., & Salter, A. 2020.

Who captures value from open innovation - the firm or its employees? Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 255-276.

--Chesbrough, H., & Tucci, C. 2020.

The interplay between open innovation and lean startup, or, why large companies are not large versions of startups. Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 277-303.

--Shah, S., & Nagle, F. 2020.

Why do user communities matter for strategy? Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 305-353.

--Vasudeva, G., Leiponen, A., & Jones, S.

2020. Dear enemy: The dynamics of conflict and cooperation in open innovation ecosystems.

Strategic Management Review, 1(2): 355-379.

2021 Vol. 2, No. 1

--Chaudhuri, S., Leiblein, M., & Reuer, J.

Prioritizing research in strategic management: Insights from practitioners and academics. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.

--Lieberman, M. Is competitive advantage intellectually sustainable? Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.

--Collis, D., & Anand, B. The virtues and limitations of dynamic capabilities.

Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.

--Bylund, P. The firm vs. the market:

Dehomogenizing the transaction cost theories of Coase and Williamson. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.

--Steinberger, T., & Wiersema, M. Data models as organizational design:

Coordinating beyond boundaries using artificial intelligence. Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.

--Buckley, P. Fundamental issues in strategy: A comment.

Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.

--Teece, D. Response to Peter Buckley's comment on "Fundamental Issues in Strategy." Strategic Management Review, forthcoming.


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