
時間 2021-05-13 02:25:56


and Jian Sun. "Boxsup: Exploiting bounding boxes to supervise

convolutional networks for semantic segmentation." ICCV. 2015.

Abstract: propose a method only using bounding box annotation. The basic idea is to iterate between automatically generating region proposals and training CNNs.

Good results obtained on PASCAL-2012 and PASCAL-CONTEXT.

2,Rajchl, Martin, et al. "DeepCut: Object Segmentation from Bounding Box Annotations using Convolutional Neural Networks.

" arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.07866 (2016).

Abstract: Introduced a network for volumetric segmentation that learns from sparsely annotated volumetric images. It extended the U-Net to 3D and performs on-th-fly elastic deformation for efficient data agumentation during training.

2, Lin, Di, et al. "ScribbleSup: Scribble-Supervised Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation.

" arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.05144 (2016).

Abstract: The algorithm is based on a graphic model that jointly propagates information from scribbles to unmarked pixels and learns network parameters. Excellent results were shown on PASCAL VOC and PASCAL CONTEXT datasets.

三, 基於image-tags的學習

1, Pathak, Deepak, Philipp

Krahenbuhl, and Trevor Darrell. "Constrained convolutional neural

and Joachim M. Buhmann. "Towards weakly supervised semantic segmentation

by means of multiple instance and multitask learning." CVPR 2010.

Abstract: Semantic Texton Forest (STF) is used as the basic framework and extended for the Multiple Instance Leraning setting. Multitask learning (MTL) is used to

regularize the solution. Here, an external task of geometric context

如何看待無監督學習在vision transformer上的應用前景?

安靜的太陽 我對transformer不是很了解,但感覺大量資料的自監督預訓練是對的路子。產生這個想法的原因有二 但並不嚴謹 1 人類實際上從出生開始就在持續接收大量資料,幾乎每分每秒我們都在看 聽 讀。直觀上先用大量資料預訓練得到乙個general model,再在具體下游任務上fine tune...


無監督學習對於NLP和CV都是至關重要的,其實這個結論可以推廣到一般的問題上。無監督學習的核心思想就是通過構造內蘊的一致性 不變性來挖掘問題自身的結構,這個結構其實無非包括兩個方面,乙個是系統的不變性,乙個是系統之間的相互關係,大致上,前者定義了系統的區域性特徵,後者定義了全域性特徵。畢竟我們這個世...

CIKM2020 S3 基於自監督學習的序列推薦模型

包一帆 是不是你有一陣子每天早上8點起床喂它?或者在之前的環境裡每天早上有人喂它?荷蘭豬記時間的本事很厲害,我家那只甚至分的清週末和工作日。在保證草足夠的情況下,要是想調整時間,最簡單的方法是不理他,他自己叫半天沒用就會放棄了,然後適應新時間 如果在宿舍裡不能不理,就把他籠子的環境徹底換乙個,東西什...