
時間 2021-05-09 06:03:39


A relationship 或An affection比如:Ending A Relationship 結束一段感情looking for another affection尋找另一段感情


看了樓上的回答,基本都是意譯,直譯的話也很簡單,I am exclusive to relationships.

You should be more exclusive.

3樓:ki yu

You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not.

I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you.


My darling I will be loving you till seventy.And my heart could never grow old it's ever green

呵呵 如何用英語表達?

Zhihong 首先,把乙個英語詞和乙個漢語詞掛鉤是學英語的禍害無窮的最大忌。呵呵 的意思,離開上下文無法確定。中中國人說 呵呵 的意思,不一定但有可能是 You must be kidding 嘿嘿。 有老外對你露出一副見瘟神的表情並且說 That s my fault.或者 All my fau...


微笑寶貝 讓俺來回答呼呼呼 每個人談戀愛他們的點不一樣。有些人談物件要找溫柔體貼的,有些人愛上乙個人原因是覺得這個人永遠不會騙她。所以人戀愛的真正原因是在於你的需求。因為我們需要陪伴照顧了解支援接受讚賞等等等等簡而言之就是愛與被愛。所以當你戀愛的時候一想到你的心上人心就會狂跳因為在你的意識裡你覺得你...


餘百 You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains.You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.Yo...