Lukas Graham的《7 years》這首歌中「we」該翻譯成什麼?

時間 2021-06-02 15:24:06


You are correct that grammatically and logically the "we" should be "I" here.

I really cannot speculate the real reason why the song-writer used "we" instead of "I".

Maybe "we" sounds better than "I" in these lyrics.

However, in discussion, authors like to use the pronoun "we" a lot. Seemingly the purpose is to evoke readers' empathy and get their nods on what are written.

In translation, "我們" or "一眾" for "we" should be fine.

如何評價Lukas Graham的《7 years》這首歌?

茉莉雞咕咕 Once I was seven years old那年我七歲 Once I was seven years old 網易雲歌詞翻譯為 總角之宴,言笑晏晏 我知道這首歌是我朋友推薦給我的,他特別喜歡,不知道現在的他,是否還喜歡。我想說的是,從那刻起,我喜歡這首歌。因為,我喜歡他。不過,沒...


上帝不想笑 只能說是上帝七天造物吧。嚴謹一點是用了六天造物,第七天就永遠的休息了。看到有人說聖經的嚴謹性我就笑了,你們恐怕沒有發現,造萬物的時間和順序不一樣,你仔細讀讀,創世紀裡一共兩個地方,不要說你沒有讀過。這兩個地方造人的時間不一樣。第二個,耶穌的家譜一共有兩個,不要說你沒有讀過,你仔細比較一下...

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