
時間 2021-06-01 05:38:14





2樓:念西 Niseko


歌詞Measuring days in the spaces between our goodbyes

Learning to wait through the endless parade

Of our same old see-you-next-time's

But when I close my eyes the miles melt away

Like you're here in my arms at the end of the day

So bring me the night, send out the stars

'Cause when I'm dreaming we don't seem so far

Darken the sky and light up the moon

So that somehow you'll be here with me soon

Bring me the night

Bring me the night

That brings me to you


Swear I don't know if the days are as slow as they seem

Wondering when you'll be with me again and this

Finally can be more than just a dream

But when I close my eyes I want only to stay

Where the farthest you are is a heartbeat away

So bring me the night, send out the stars

'Cause when I'm dreaming we don't seem so far

Darken the sky and light up the moon

So that somehow you'll be here with me soon

Bring me the night

Bring me the night

That brings me to you

And it's enough knowing you...

(I know that you're) are calling to me

While you're dreaming beneath the same moon

All it takes is imagining you

So that I can get through

One more long and lonely day

So bring me the night, tell me it's near

Give me the chance to pretend that you're here

Darken the sky and light up the moon

Please bring it soon, bring it soon

So bring me the night, send out the stars

'Cause when I'm dreaming we don't seem so far (We don't seem so far)

Darken the sky and light up the moon

So that somehow you'll be here with me soon

Bring me the night,

Bring me the night,

Bring me the night,

Bring me the night

That brings me to you






八尾仙女 毛不易的平凡的一天吧,也沒有很轟轟烈烈的故事,只是很平凡的地度過,也有過喜歡的人,也因為平凡的外貌以至於還是平凡的結束暗戀。也有種虛度的感覺。生活可以不那麼複雜 就這樣虛度著年華沒牽掛 只有晚風輕拂著臉頰 總有一天我們會找到ta 萬景和 南山南 13歲聽到這首歌,也希望自己經歷歌裡的故事。...


隻字不提 這是屬於17年夏天的一首歌,當時我不過才剛初中畢業,年紀尚小,只是覺得這首歌好聽,僅此而已。前些日子突然再次聽到這首歌,有感而發,逐漸明白了毛老師歌聲裡的故事,因此,單曲迴圈了許久。 嶼鶴鶴 最喜歡的大概是劉大壯的那首我很好和來一首會不會。說實話我向來是什麼特別火什麼不愛聽的人。但是這兩首...


destiny 你在南方的豔陽裡大雪紛飛 我在北方的寒夜裡四季如春 如果天黑之前來得及 我要忘了你的眼睛 南山南 我聽見雨滴落在青青草地 我聽見遠方下課鐘聲響起 可是我沒聽到你的聲音 認真呼喚我姓名 小幸運 雨吹起泛漣漪漫天的花雨 你不經意的言語我深記心裡 我慶幸是你不幸亦是你 只可憐春風不解意 春...