請問 You had better go and study 的句子成分是怎樣的?

時間 2021-05-31 12:26:32


I am always perplexed why some guys always say there can only be 1 Predicate Verb in a sentence.

For a sentence with Compound Predicates, there can be 2 or more Predicate Verbs (see: What Is a Predicate?)

However, you should be aware that "go" and "study" after "had better" in your example are not Predicate Verbs. They are Bare Infinitives (i.e.

, Infinitives with the marker "to" dropped).

As to the construction of "had better", see my notes at:

adamlam99:英文文法: 怎麼用 「had better」

I hope these comments help to clarify your question.


主語是you, 謂語是had better go and study,had better可視為情態動詞,後接動詞原形。注意是乙個簡單句只能有乙個謂語動詞,並列句和復合句肯定不止乙個謂語動詞。你給的這個句子就是乙個並列句,and連線兩個並列的謂語動詞。


you 是主語,and 是並列連詞,連線兩個動詞原形go 和study ,had better 相當於乙個情態動詞的用法,所以其後接了兩個動詞原形。加油

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