
時間 2021-05-31 11:12:54


"The teddy bear eyeball that Walt found in his swimming pool is symbolic. It's very, very symbolic. However, I'm not sure I can tell you with 100% certainty of what the symbolism is, what it represents...

On the face of it, when we were coming up with that eye as an image, it probably, represented some form of the eye of the universe, the eye of god, the eye of morality, I suppose judging Walter White...And so symbolism like the eyeball, I'm not sure what it means to me completely but I'm always interested in hearing what it means to viewers of the show. I guess if you're going to hold my feet to the fire, what it means to me is the eye of God on Walt.

If not necessarily judging him, nonetheless watching him, keeping tabs on him. And then the question: If that is what the symbolism stands for, then why does Walt keep that eye?

Why does he keep it in his drawer versus discarding it?"

―Vince Gilligan


APPLE 當婊立。只要不在他眼前發生的惡,就不是惡 他造的毒品間接害死了多少人,多少個家庭因此破碎,是,他的確幫助了那個吸毒家庭的孩子,他也沒有想過自己製造的毒品讓多少個這樣的孩子無家可歸。從乙個毒梟的角度看,他最大的問題可能是,與警察合作了。那個墨西哥的老毒梟,即使痛恨傑西,也沒有與警察合作。他...

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