
時間 2021-05-30 00:08:39


Form of Oath.

Ido swear in the name of god that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of India as by the law established and that I will, as in duty bound, honesty and faithfully serve in the regular army of the union of India and go wherever ordered by land, sea or air and that I will observe and obey all commands of the president of the union of India, and the commands of any officer set over even to the peril of my life.

Form of Affirmation.

Ido solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of India as by the law established and that I will, as in duty bound, honesty and faithfully serve in the regular army of the union of India and go wherever ordered, by land, sea or air and that I will observe and obey all commands of the President of the Union of India and the commands of any officer set over me even to the peril of my life.



大林博士 位元幣是一種有很多很多人共同維護 共同認可的古董,沒啥實用價值,但又很貴 波動又很大,它能最直接的體現人性的貪婪,小概率讓你暴富,大概率讓你傾家蕩產。 富達財稅 是讓人傷心的東西,我曾經有接近1000來個,那時候那玩意不值錢,也不知道那玩意能到這個程度,所以pin碼沒記。電腦賣了。感覺鬧心...

有沒有誰知道《call me by your name 》的第二部《find me》或看過評價下嗎?

Asteroid B612 珠玉在前,瓦石難當。劇情就不概述,我的心情彷彿看了 鐵達尼號 續集,傑克其實沒有死,而是經歷了一站二戰朝戰越戰並存活了下來,多年之後,他帶著孫子去電影院的時候看到了 鐵達尼號 於是他與露絲在電影導演的幫助下重逢,並開始了幸福的黃昏戀。 今天也要努力鴨 個人見解,學識短淺,...


北巷遠人 別緩解了去看牙醫 就算你現在緩解了後面只會更嚴重而不會慢慢好起來 過來人的忠告啊。就年前年後這段時間折磨死我了,什麼掐耳垂含酒薑片什麼的,疼起來不管用。明天覆診第三次去看牙醫 行邁靡靡 吃布洛芬緩釋膠囊或者甲硝唑,吃完就躺著,半個小時左右就不疼了,不過如果連續好幾天一定要去醫院,但是現在疫...