
時間 2021-06-03 02:00:20

1樓:Milo Yip

Arrow keys

Primarily, WASD is used to account for the fact that the arrow keys are not ergonomic to use in conjunction with a right-handed mouse. This also allows the user to use the left hand thumb to press the space bar (often the jump command) and the left hand little finger to press the CTRL or SHIFT keys (often the crouch and/or sprint commands).

As opposed to the default keyboard-only controls of Doom or Duke Nukem 3D, WASD is usually used in combination with a mouse. The greatest advantage of using a mouse and keyboard combination over a keyboard-only configuration is the ability to use the mouse to look around both vertically and horizontally, referred to as mouselook. Mouselook enables the player to perform techniques such as smooth circle strafing, which, although possible with the keyboard, was difficult to perform and resulted in jagged movement.

The scheme wasn't popularized until competitive play in Quake

and subsequently QuakeWorld

made clear its advantages over the older arrow key configurations. In the same year thatCastle Wolfenstein

was released, 1981, the game Wizardry used the AWD keys for movement in a 3D dungeon. Both the programmers of Castle Wolfenstein and Wizardry were users of the earlier PLATO system where the game Moria

used the AWD keys.

Some gamers prefer the WASD keys to the arrow keys for other various reasons, including the fact that more keys (and therefore, game commands) are easily accessible with the left hand when placed near WASD. Left-handed mouse users may prefer using the numpad or IJKL with their right hands instead for similar reasons.


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