
時間 2021-06-01 12:33:11



Who are those people from Invoker spells lore?


My guess will be that those ten are "Insubstantial Eleven " with Invoker as eleventh from Rubic's Lore.

「我猜這十個名字加上卡爾,即是拉比克介紹中所謂的幻寂十一長者(Insubstantial Eleven


Maybe Invoker then killed them to get all their spells and become the one and only.

Whether or not they're the Hidden Council or not remains to be seen.

"很顯然這些名字就是來自於創造這些咒語的人。至於是不是隱修議會(Hidden Council)的人士,還有待觀察。"


If Valve ever decides to make them the insubstantial eleven, then I hope they go with this route:

Harlek, the Solar Magus

Shimare Endoleon, the Energy Magus

Sadron, the Gelid Magus

Gallaron Tarak, the Magus of Disaster

Culween, the Magus of the Forge

Gaster, the Magus of War

Tornarus, the Zephyr Magus

Koryx, the Magus of Glaciers

Myrault, the Phantom Magus

Buluphont, the Sound Magus

Unknown 11th member, maybe Aghanim, Magus of Amelioration

I doubt Invoker is a member since he does not seem to care about society

it seems. He's merely amusing himself every day so I doubt if he will

bother to rule over the world of sorcery. I'll say he was honored with

the title Arsenal Magus by the Hidden Council but he decided not to use


In his youth, the precocious

wizard mastered not four, not five, not even seven incantations: He

could command no fewer than ten spells, and cast them instantly. Many

more he learned but found useless, and would practice once then purge

from his mind forever, to make room for more practical invocations.




When the battle finally drew to a close, all were singed and frozen,

soaked and cut and pierced. More than one lay dead by an ally』s craft.

Rubick stood apart, sore but delighted in the week』s festivities. None

had the strength to argue when he presented his petition of assumption

to theHidden Council, and theInsubstantial Elevenagreed as one to

grant him the title of Grand Magus.






「Invoker now, eh? No longer the Arsenal Magus?」



「Even the Arsenal Magus falls before my magic.



DotA 2中卡爾的操作連招變化數目比lol裡的英雄(包括但不限於豹女,傑斯,瑞文等)高嗎?

Traumerei 低分局,碰到代練卡爾 事後告訴我大號5800 我方雖然破掉一路,但是對面sven起來了,有跳有bkb,有大炮龍心,我們只有乙個卡爾是肥的,火貓開局就跟我們說要換,不會火貓。在最關鍵一波團裡,我們死了卡爾就等於gg,卡爾切好的技能我提前看過,是吹風雷暴,並且提前站到比較後排,我們準...


自在極意功 如果說在技能齊全且不算買活的情況下,虛空應該是毫無爭議單挑最強的,大炮,金箍棒,否決,聖劍bkb,大電,吃乙個銀月,除了骷髏王,小魚,亞巴頓,巨魔,其他都能敲死,打這幾個得出個重新整理球。打tk就出雙刀撒旦bkb盤子林肯蝴蝶吃銀月包裡放個重新整理。 老玫瑰 確實沒有意義 永暈克暴擊 濺射...


xkyi210 其實現版本末日並不強勢,打野效率比他高的英雄也有很多,而且大招CD很長且費不了被動,你要說哪些英雄克制他吧,亞巴頓,骷髏王,地卜師,血魔,光法,拉比克都挺不錯的 關山 打doom需要林肯或者蓮花,或者是一把調跳刀,自從上個版本改動後,doom釋放doom的抬手變長,如果doom跳到你...