
時間 2021-05-31 18:22:11







The magi of Ryza had forged the very first part of the Tempestus around the ancient cogitator that contained its machine-spirit. Even before they had laid the first beams of the battle-barge』s keel, they had constructed a housing for the cogitator that dated back to the pre-Imperial history of Mars itself. Such spirits were rare and irreplaceable, relics of the Dark Age of Technology where other such spirits had, legend had it, became a threat to the very species that had made them.

Now only the wisest and most trustworthy had survived the purges of the Age of Strife, and were numbered among the oldest relics of humankind.

Around that spirit had been built the Tempestus, a voidgoing war machine granted by bonds of ancient fealty from the priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to the Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes. The ship became the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of the Astral Knights, and a succession of Masters of the Fleet took her as their flagship. While her weaponry was of ancient and powerful marks and her structure made sound with alloys and techniques all but lost to the Mechanicus, it was her spirit that made her the weapon she was.

Locked in the stacks of datamedium was battle-wisdom from wars that had vanished from the memory of mankind.

Every move the ship』s crew made was shadowed by the spirit, assisted or even ignored in accordance with that wisdom. The Master of the Fleet had to treat the spirit of the Tempestus as another member of the Chapter or they would find their helm commands ignored as the spirit made its own decisions. When they showed the ship the respect due to such an ancient warrior, they found in the Tempestus an ally as close as any battle-brother.


錘粉 錘黑到底是什麼人?

胡椒大濕 不請自來。只說我的感受。錘粉是鞋教組織,錘黑是被錘粉戴的大帽子。回答了關於錘子使用感受的乙個問題,然後我就被冠名錘黑了?喵喵喵?所以什麼是錘黑?大概就是我這樣普通的消費者?什麼是錘粉?就是把我們這些消費者說成錘黑的人。 菩提樹下的貓 粉木耳總歸有變黑的時候,黑木耳也能漂成粉色,所以粉和黑都...




本解答完全系個人觀點。人性是黑魂的碎片。這個比喻我覺得是整個黑魂裡最有文學韻味的乙個。而由此衍生的各種深淵的傳說 活屍化與恢復人身的遊戲概念也令我著迷。環印騎士們也參與了獵龍戰爭,他們的盾甚至都是龍頭鑄造,但後世沒有他們的傳說。聯絡到太陽么女在環城的超然地位,玩家們這次見到的矮人諸王也不過是一群葛溫...